Revealing the Truth with Brandon Wells
Health , Nutrition , UFOs, Science, spirituality , Technology, Education , Ancient Civilizations and Governmental Conspiracies.
158 episodes
Underground Maglev Tram and Its Connection to Consciousness .
Since hearing about the technologies that have kept hiden from the general populace last year , many Alien Technologies have come out hiding . Case in point an underground tram system that goes from continent to continent. It rides through a tu...
Season 32
Episode 158

Is Ai Involved in Helicopter and Plane Crash ?
Since the story broke a lot the helicopter and plane lots of questions have circulated about whether or not AI was involved . AI will alleviate many jobs but it also frees up society to become less like prisons and more like enlightened b...
Season 32
Episode 157

Ivermectin Studies on Cancer
Since the creation of Ivermectin, many studies have been conducted on it effects on cancer , dementia, viruses and many other medical conditions. Why is it very few people know of these studies? How does mindfulness fit into cancer diagnosis? O...
Season 32
Episode 156

Are The Current Amount of Land Grabs Also Because of Stargate Portals
It’s a strange thing to consider how all of these land grabs have occurred within the same way right out of a playbook . A lot land and resources like lithium and quartz or that there is a human trafficking element to it . What if it’s also bec...
Season 32
Episode 155

Los Angeles Fires Another Land Grab By The Elites
Within the past several years the use of a kinetic energy weapon called “ The Rods of God” has been used in conjunction with H.A.A.R.P. That modifies our weather . This is what occurred in Maui in August of 2023 and in Asheville , Tampa and Wyo...
Season 32
Episode 154

Fog Spotted Near Drone Sightings
Since the drones being spotted since October in there have been people experiencing fog directly connected to the sightings . What is in the fog ? Is this also psyops program from rogue elements within our government? Is this A.I. becoming cons...
Season 32
Episode 153

Drones In Our Skies Near Military Bases
For over a month now the skies on the East Coast of The United States have been riddled with sightings of Drones being flown lower than average and in close proximity to military bases . Many report them as being UAP or UFO. Why do so many peop...
Season 32
Episode 152

Who is The Real King James and His Obsession With Witchcraft and Black Magic
King James I considered himself to be an intellect and an expert in Witch Craft . This is the same King James that wrote the New Testament of the Bible . Who really was he? As a person his actions were deeply questionable and his life pursuit o...
Season 32
Episode 151

How Empathy and Compassion Will Usher in New Earth
The difference between empathy and sympathy are many times missed construed in society. The major difference is sympathy means you are feeling sorry for someone and their circumstances. Where as empathy means you have taken on their emotions an...
Season 32
Episode 150

The Numbers 3/6/9 and How Do They Relate To the Multiverse
Nicolai Tesla was obsessed with the numbers of 3,6 and 9. To the point where he incorporated them into his daily practices and rituals . He wrote about them in his private journals that he guarded with his life . What do the numbers represent? ...
Season 32
Episode 149

Congressional Hearings on UAPs and How Will It Change Our Society
Wednesday of last Week of November 12th 2024 there were congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. about UAPs . This was to address publicly what the Pentagon knows about Unidentified Areal Phenomena. They went into the Reverse Engineering Prog...
Season 32
Episode 148

Reiki Energy Healing That Starts With Healing Yourself First
For since the early portion of the 20th century, Reiki has become a more wide spread practice . Derived from Japan , Reiki encompasses energy healing but the criteria is very high for anyone to experience the full effects of it . The Reik...
Season 32
Episode 147

11:11Portal Manifesting Our New Earth Energies
It is Now November and we have gone through a lot in the last week . We have an upcoming 11:11 portal where, as a collective ,we can manifest a better world . This year just keeps exploding with tones of solar flares , an eclipse , white ...
Season 32
Episode 146

The Avatar Project
The defense advanced research project agency otherwise known as D.A.R.P.A. Has been looking into using g semi-autonomous robots for warfare . These would be surrogates manned by soldiers hundreds if not thousands of miles away from any war zone...
Season 31
Episode 145

Asheville, Tampa and Maui Land Grabs from H. A.A.R.P.
Land grabbing is nothing new as it’s been happening since the Greeks and Romans and possibly before . Very similar to the trail of tears our government has over stepped its bounds to have blackrock , state street and vanguard be there to buy up...
Season 31
Episode 144

Thoth the Atlantean and the Emerald tablets
The knowledge of Thoth the Atlantean in regards to the emerald tablets is amazing . He iis referred to as a scribe to the gods . He is very similar to Hermes of Greece in his description . How are they both similar to Yeashua , Jesus , real nam...
Season 31
Episode 143

Umbanda Tribe and Their Use of Sexual Energy
Since the early 20th century the Umbanda Tribe of Brazil has blended African , indigenous and European Spirituality beliefs as being part of their religion . I’ve thing that sets them apart from many beliefs in the west is their view of sexual ...
Season 31
Episode 142

Meditation to Communicate With Extra Terrestrial Life
Mediation is helpful in quieting the mind from stress , anxiety and many obstacles in daily life. This also helps us to achieve a higher vibrational frequency. How does diet help this ? Why do we need to be in a higher vibrational freque...
Season 31
Episode 141

Dr Edgar Mitchell and His Spiritual Awakening Coming Home From Being on the Moon.
In January of 1971 Dr. Edgar Mitchell made history by being the 6th msn to walk on the moon . This experience profoundly changed him through his perceptions and philosophies. He had what he described as a kundalini awakening . What kundalini aw...
Season 30
Episode 140

Epigenetics Interfacing With Extra Terrestrial Life
For 50 yrs scientist have been studying Epigenetics , which is the study of inheritable traits within our Genetics that are altered or changed based upon certain stimuli . It’s amazing that the Generics of humans can change based upon environme...
Season 20
Episode 139

Fractals and Chaos Theory
Fractals are literally a part of life that encompasses all aspects of life from business and finance to astronomy, nature , art , music ect . How does the Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect work with it ? What patterns do we see that fractal...
Season 20
Episode 138

Knowledge of Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics In Indigenous Cultures
For centuries running many ancient cultures have shown their extreme knowledge of Astronomy, Mathematics and physics. How is it possible that they had do much knowledge back then ? How is it that many cultures , regardless of geography or langu...
Season 20
Episode 137

Circadian Rhythm and How it Effects Our Ability to Live On Mars and Our Health .
Circadian rhythm, which the pattern our bodies have that affects our sleep and when we wake up . What else might be connected to it ? Hint —-/ it’s way more than you might think . Is this why the United States is leading the world in gut health...
Season 20
Episode 136

Lion’s Gate Portal a Galatic New Year and it’s Significance
In August the 8th , 2024 we have the Lion’s Gate Portal . What does that mean? It means that Sirius ( the Alpha Star of the Canis Major Constellation ) is the brightest star and is considered to be a spiritual sun . It’s also referr...
Season 20
Episode 135

Junk DNA A Way to Discredit Human Potential!?
For decades the term “Junk DNA” has been used to describe DNA material that scientist have yet to understand its usage . When scientist use terms it is very similar to when psychologists use the terms ADHD , Autism or any other label . They sti...
Season 20
Episode 134