Revealing the Truth with Brandon Wells
Health , Nutrition , UFOs, Science, spirituality , Technology, Education , Ancient Civilizations and Governmental Conspiracies.
Revealing the Truth with Brandon Wells
Underground Maglev Tram and Its Connection to Consciousness .
Brandon Grinnell Wells
Season 32
Episode 158
Since hearing about the technologies that have kept hiden from the general populace last year , many Alien Technologies have come out hiding . Case in point an underground tram system that goes from continent to continent. It rides through a tube with little to no friction which allows for incredible speeds of Mach 1 , Mach 2 or Mach 3. As we enter in new earth , how does our consciousness react to the technology at hand ? How do we get ready for these changes into our society that is still deeply involved in ego and identity? How does the Majestic 12 fit into this ?